Wednesday, 2 September 2020

How to Relieve Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain After Exercise


Tips to relieve muscle pain and soreness

  1. Use an ice pack
  2. If it's an acute injury, or if one notices swelling of the muscle or joint area and it feels warm, wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and place it on the sore muscles for about 15 minutes. If there isn’t any swelling and the muscles are just sore from the exercise, apply a heat pack for 15 minutes to boost blood circulation.

  3. Go for a massage
  4. A trigger-point or sports massage will help to relax very tight sore muscles and soothe muscle aches.

  5. Stretch, stretch, stretch
  6. Stretch your muscles for about 10 minutes after a rigorous workout to prevent sore muscles. And before exercising, remember to warm up the body with simple movements like arm swings and marching on the spot, or start walking slowly and gradually pick up the pace.

  7. Do light exercises (such as walking, swimming)
  8. Do not stop exercising completely. The fact that you are experiencing muscle soreness after a workout is a sign that your muscles have been stretched and are slowly getting stronger. By using your muscles (with light activity), you can speed up the elimination of lactic acid buildup.

  9. Build up eccentric exercises slowly
  10. You are more likely to get muscle aches if your muscles are working eccentrically. Eccentric contractions occur when your muscles lengthen under tension as seen in the “down motion” of a bicep curl. Walking or running downhill are also examples of eccentric training. Increase intensity gradually.

  11. Take a warm bath
  12. A warm bath may loosen tight muscles and boost blood circulation, providing temporary relief.

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