Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Yoga for weight gain

*** Bhujangasana

Benefits – The Bhujangasana works on the posterior as well as the anterior part of the digestive system, thereby improving appetite, regulating metabolism, and also removing blockages. The reproductive system is also stimulated. When you stretch and open up your heart, your breathing improves. There are better blood circulation and nutrient absorption.
How To Do It – Lie flat on your stomach, with your legs stretched out, and the feet facing down. Place your elbows by your side. Then, lift your chest, placing the body weight not only on the elbows, but on the entire forearms. Inhale deeply, and exhale strongly.

*** Vajrasana

Benefits – This asana is the only asana that can be practiced immediately after a meal. It works on the digestive system and helps to keep the metabolism in check. This asana calms the mind and operates on every area that needs attention.
How To Do It – Place your thighs on your calf muscles as you sit flat on the floor. Focus and breathe. It will be prudent to place a yoga mat or yoga blankets under the shins so that one can spend few minutes in this posture without much discomfort.


Benefits – The Matsyasana is a highly beneficial pose in yoga to gain weight. It works on many systems collectively, including the thyroid gland. It regulates an overactive thyroid gland that can also cause weight reduction. It strengthens the digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and cardiovascular systems. The metabolism and nutrient absorption improve, and all the weight loss issues (due to thyroid issues) are addressed and cured over time.
How To Do It – Lie on your back, and then cross your legs in the Padmasana. Gently curve your back such that your head rests on your crown. Feel the curve in the upper back and neck. Hold for a few seconds and release.

*** Sarvangasana

Benefits – A shoulder stand first and foremost works on improving the circulation of blood and oxygen. This asana is an inversion, and therefore, a new lot of blood reaches the inaccessible areas, which gives them a boost of nutrients. All the energy blocks are cleared, and the body is strengthened.
How To Do It – Lie down in the Shavasana. Lift your legs up as you support your hips with your palms. Shift the body weight on the shoulders, and lift your upper body too, as your head and upper back remains on the floor. Hold for a few seconds and release.


Benefits – This asana completely relaxes the body and allows it to reap the benefits of the workout. It is at this time that the nutrient absorption is enhanced. The body is completely healed.
How To Do It – Lie down in the Shavasana. Lift your legs up as you support your hips with your palms. Shift the body weight on the shoulders, and lift your upper body too, as your head and upper back remains on the floor. Hold for a few minutes and release. It will be safer for the cervical area if the neck and shoulders are supported on wide yoga blankets.

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