Thursday, 12 March 2020

Best Back Exercises for Women

1: Spreading Wings Lift

Execution method:
  • Stand holding a light pair of dumbbells with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the weights on your sides with arms slight bent and locked at the elbows. Maintain a neutral spine.
  • Lift both arms out to your sides. Think of trying to bring your shoulder blades together, while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows. Stop when your hands are at shoulder level. Hold for 2 seconds.
  • Slowly lower the weights to the start position.


2: One Arm Rowing (Dumbbell)

Execution method:
  • Stand alongside a bench with your left knee closest to it. Place your left knee on the bench. Hold a medium-weight dumbbell in your right hand and let it hang at your side with your palm facing toward your thigh. Rest your left hand on the bench. Your torso should be angled at about 30 degrees.
  • Pull from the upper back muscles to bring the weight up towards your armpit. Your elbow should come directly up, rather than out. Hold the top position for a two-second count.
  • Slowly lower to the start position. Repeat on the other arm after completing the required number of repetition.

3: Bent Over Dumbbell Row

Execution method:
  • Stand holding a pair of medium-weight dumbbells with your feet shoulder width apart or together. Bend your knees slightly and angle your upper body forward at about 30 degrees. Maintain a neutral spine with a slight arch in the lower back. Keep a tight core.
  • With arms hanging down in front of your body, draw your shoulder blades down and together. Now pull the weight up to your rib cage. Keep your torso in a fixed position.
  • Hold the top position for a second or two, feeling the squeeze through the latissimus dorsi. Then slowly lower back to the start position.


4:Close-Grip Lat Pulldown

The close grip lat pulldown is an effective compound exercise that hits the uppers lats and increases strength throughout the entire back. Using the close-grip position increases your elbow’s range of motion. This workout is done seated, legs stabilized beneath the pad.
  • Taking a close-grip, your hands should be at or closer than shoulder-width.
  • Tighten your core and keep your chest up as you pull the barbell down and towards your chest.
  • Be sure to pull with your lat muscles.
  • Once the bar is at your chest, slowly allow it to return to the starting position keeping tension throughout the movement.

5:Seated Cable Row:

he seated cable row is another favorite back exercise with cable. It works the primary muscles specifically the lats, mid back, and traps. There’s also some emphasis on secondary muscles like the posterior delts and biceps.

The seated cable row can replace or enhance exercises like the dumbbell row and barbell bent-over row.
Keep your form strict on the cable row by pulling back the shoulder blades with each stroke.


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