Sunday, 31 May 2020

Diabetic patient healthy Diet Plan

Leafy Greens

Green, leafy vegetables are low in calories, while also being extremely nutritious. Being low in digestible carbs means that they play a major role in controlling blood sugar levels too. Spinach, kale and other leafy greens are rich in several vitamins and minerals like vitamin C. One study showed that increasing vitamin C intake reduced the fasting blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure levels.


Strawberries are rich in anthocyanins, the antioxidants that give them their red colour. These antioxidants have been shown to reduce insulin and cholesterol levels right after a meal. They also reduce the risk of increased blood sugar levels and heart diseases in type 2 diabetes patients.
A single cup of strawberries contain 49 calories and only 11 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber. This serving also ensures that one gets more than 100% of their required daily intake of vitamin C, thus providing additional anti-inflammatory benefits for heart health.


Garlic is known to have some impressive health benefits. Some studies have shown that it can reduce inflammation, blood sugar and LDL levels in people that have type 2 diabetes. It can also be very effective in reducing blood pressure levels in the body. In addition to that, garlic is also low in calories. A single clove of it contains only 4 calories with just 1 gram of carbs.


All nuts contain fiber, and are low in digestible fiber, although they may have them in varying levels. Research on various types of nuts has shown that their consumption can reduce inflammation, and lower HbA1c, blood sugar and LDL levels in the body.
One study showed that people with diabetes who included 30 g of walnuts in their daily diet for a whole year lost weight, saw improvements in their body composition, and significantly lowered their insulin levels.
People with type 2 diabetes often have high insulin levels, and this is linked with obesity. Researchers also believe that extremely high insulin levels increases one’s risk of serious diseases like Alzheimer’s disease or cancer.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a great dairy option for diabetics, given its ability to control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. This is partly due to the presence of probiotics in them.
Studies have also found that yogurt and other dairy products can result in weight loss and better body composition among people with type 2 diabetes. Greek Yogurt contains less carbs than conventional yogurt while also being richer in protein. The high protein content promotes weight loss by helping one feel full for longer and thus, reducing calorie intake.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Best Leg Exercises

Leg Press

How-To: Sit squarely in the leg press machine and place your feet shoulder-width apart on the sled. Keeping your chest up and lower back pressed into the pad, carefully unlatch the sled from the safeties. Bend your knees to lower the platform, stopping before your glutes lift off the pad. From there, powerfully extend your knees to press the weight up (but don’t lock them out at the top.

Walking Lunges

How-To: Holding dumbbells in each hand, step forward with one foot. Bend both knees to lower your torso toward the floor, making sure your front knee doesn’t pass your toes at the bottommost position. Stop just short of your rear knee touching the floor, then drive through the heel of your front foot while bringing your rear leg forward until you return to a standing position. Then step with the opposite leg into a lunge, repeating the pattern. Continue alternating down the floor.

 Hack Squat

How-To: Step inside a hack squat machine, placing your shoulders and back against the pads. Set your feet at mid-platform just inside shoulder width, keeping your feet flat throughout the exercise. From here, powerfully press upward to the start position, keeping your knees bent slightly at the top to protect them from hyperextension.“The weight should be felt in your heels, not your toes.”

Front Squat

How-To:Set the pegs in a power rack just at or below mid-chest,at a level between your hips Keep your chest up, lower back and abs tight, and eyes forward as you step back into a shoulder-width stance. Bend your knees and hips as if sitting in a chair until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, then reverse direction by driving through your heels and pressing your hips forward to return to standing.

 Barbell Squat

How-To:Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and hold a bar across your upper back. Your knees should be slightly bent and your toes turned out slightly. Keeping your head in a neutral position, abs tight and torso upright, bend at the knees and hips to slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit in a chair.

Leg Extensions  

Step-by-Step Instructions

Set up the leg extension machine so the pad is at the top of your lower legs at the ankles. Your knees are at 90 degrees. Select a weight that will give you a moderate load for 10 repetitions. 

****    Place your hands on the hand bars.
***Lift the weight while exhaling until your legs are almost straight. Do not lock your knees. Keep your back against the backrest and do not arch your back.
****Exhale and lower the weight back to starting position.
***Do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions

Leg Curls

Step-by-Step Instructions
Before you begin, you'll want to become familiar with the machine leg curls are performed on.
  1. Start by lying flat on your stomach.
  2. Adjust the roller pad so that it rests comfortably a few inches under your calves, just above the heels.
  3. Stretch your legs out fully. On an inhale, lightly grasp the support handles on each side of the machine.
  4. Lift your feet smoothly as you exhale, keeping your hips firmly on the bench.
  5. Hold this position for a beat, allowing yourself to make sure you are focused as you prepare to lower your legs.
  6. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps.


Tuesday, 26 May 2020

At-Home Leg Exercises

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Best Types of Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss


These machines were originally designed to minimize impact on the knees and hips, but still allow a great workout. “Because the impact is quite low, the calorie-burning effect isn’t as great as other cardio machines, like treadmills and stairmasters,” explains Roger Adams, Ph.D., an expert in nutrition and weight loss. “However, the elliptical machine can be an excellent way to burn calories without wearing out your joints.” While the average 180-lb. man may only burn close to 500-600 calories per hour if he’s going at an above moderate pace, you can get even more out of it by switching up the intensity, speed, and resistance.
The best way to burn fat on an elliptical: Add a high incline to really activate more leg muscles, especially your glutes. “This movement can simulate stair-climbing without the impact,” says Adams. “Lower the incline and increase the resistance and you have a cross-country skiing feel to your workout that really works your quads.” As with the stepmill, don’t hold on to the handles or rails too tightly as this can reduce your efforts and lead to shoulder or wrist pain

Running (moderate pace)

Running at a steady, moderate pace is a sure way to burn fat and calories, but it’s not the most economical way to build or even maintain muscle.
“By the numbers, a 180-lb. man can burn about 940 calories in an hour while running an 8.5-minute-per-mile pace—or 7 mph on the treadmill for an hour,” says Ryan. “This would be a nice, long run to do every couple of weeks to keep up your aerobic capacity, but it involves a lot of mileage for the time and effort put in.” The cons: Running at this pace can also break down muscle and subject your body to lots of pounding. “If you’re looking to add in a long run every once in awhile, by all means do so, just opt for trails or softer surfaces than cement and blacktop,” he says.
The best way to burn fat on a long run: If you’re running on a treadmill, set the incline to 2-3% to simulate running outside, suggests Adams. “This burns more calories and may actually be easier on the knees.” If running feels boring for you, try different routes in your neighborhood or join a local running club. Running with a partner or group can make the miles go by much easier.

 Stair Climber

A stair climber offers another popular way to burn fat and calories, but only about 500-600 calories for an 180-lb. man at a moderate pace. “Because of the higher leg lift involved, climbing stairs uses significantly more muscles than just walking—strengthening your legs in a functional way,” says Adams. The primary drawback: Stair climbers can put a lot of weight and pressure on your joints, so it can be difficult for people with bad knees.
The best way to burn fat on a stair climber: “Try incorporating 90% or more effort on the stair climber for 30 seconds with a one- to two-minute ‘active recovery,’ like a farmer carry with medium-weight kettlebells or dumbbells to incorporate upper body and core strength,” says Ryan. “Doing 10-15 rounds of this workout will spice up your workout way above the normal range of calories burned.”

Jumping Rope

There’s a reason the jump rope is a mainstay in a boxer’s training regimen: it’s cheap, easy to do, increases foot speed, and burns a ton of calories. Think of your favorite boxers, wrestlers, and fighters—they all jump rope. “Jumping rope not only enhances your footwork, shoulder strength, and coordination, but also simulates sprinting, allowing you to burn as much as 500 calories in just 30 minutes,” says Ben Boudro, C.S.C.S., owner of Xceleration Fitness in Auburn Hills, MI..
The best way to burn fat with a jump rope: While very few people can jump rope for 30 minutes straight, it’s best to do intervals of fast and slow jumps to keep you going. Can’t do that very well? Jump as fast as you can for one minute, then rest for 20-30 seconds. Repeat until you’re done. If you’re a frequent traveler, throw a jump rope in your suitcase for a great workout without ever having to leave the hotel room.


While a kettlebell workout isn’t technically a cardio-only exercise, its calorie-burning effects are too high to keep off this list. “Kettlebell workouts combine the best of both worlds: strength training and cardio,” says Adams. “In addition, a recent study on the calorie-burning effects of this type of workout puts it at around 20 calories per minute.” This total takes into account not only the aerobic calorie expenditure, but also the anaerobic calories burned. Very few cardio exercises build muscle—this is one of the exceptions. You can expect to burn around 400-600 calories in just 30 minutes, says Adams.
The best way to do it: If you can do a particular movement for 40-50 reps, chances are your kettlebell isn’t heavy enough. “Don’t go too light, and don’t go too heavy either,” he says. “Some of the best ways to do a kettlebell workout to maximize calorie burning is to do a movement for 30-40 seconds, rest for 20-30 seconds, then repeat the movement or cycle through several movements.” Set your timer for 30 minutes and see how many rounds you can get.



Stationary bikes are a mainstay at most gyms, but there’s a reason most people aren’t waiting in line to use them: “You must be willing to go at an intense rate,” says Adams—so no pedaling while scrolling through your smartphone. “During a vigorous indoor cycling or spin class, the average 180-lb. man may burn close to 1,150 calories per hour, while a more moderate ride will only burn half that amount at about 675 calories per hour.”
How to burn fat with cycling: Doing intervals on a stationary bike is a great way to maximize your calorie burn in minimum time. “Keep the intensity really high on the intervals for a couple of minutes, then slow down for a minute or so, continually repeating these intervals for as long as you can,” Adams suggests.



Saturday, 23 May 2020

Top Diet and Fitness Tips For Men

Fitness Routine

Alternate your exercise activities to stay motivated to work out — variety is good for both the mind and body, said Jim White, RD, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, certified health fitness instructor, and owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios in Virginia Beach, Va. "Your body can get used to the same thing if it's done over and over again," White said. To keep your body guessing, he suggested combining different types of fitness workouts: Mix up a cardio workout like running with strength training, yoga, and martial arts, or vary your tempo within any one activity through interval training. 

Fitness Buddy

Do you need extra motivation to stick with your fitness and diet plan? Don't go it alone — enlist the help of a buddy. Not only does working out with a friend keep you both focused on fitness, it also adds an edge of competition, especially if you pick a workout buddy who's a bit more advanced and will make you feel challenged. You'll work harder to keep up and reach your fitness goals.

Develop Strength-Training Exercises

Strength training is a key part of any fitness plan, both for variety and to build calorie-burning muscle. You don't have to lift weights or spend hours at the gym — you can tone your muscles at home or at the office just a few minutes at a time. Push-ups are great for working the chest, triceps, and shoulders, said White, and you can do them anywhere. Squats and lunges are also effective because they work multiple muscles and are easy to add to any fitness routine.

Simple Cardio Workouts

Cardio exercise gets your heart rate up and burns off calories. Running provides a great cardio workout, said White. If you're a beginner, start out slowly by alternating walking and running intervals. You can also burn calories throughout the day by taking a few simple "steps," such as standing up more at work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and parking your car farther away from the office. Walk at a brisk pace whenever possible.

Tweak Your Diet With More Fruits and Vegetables

A healthy diet can be a work in progress. Meat may have been your main staple, but as you improve your health, continually improve your nutrition as well. Find simple ways to fit in more fresh fruits and vegetables and eat less meat. White suggested snacking on celery sticks with peanut butter or carrots with fat-free ranch dip. Other easy ways to improve your diet include bulking up sandwiches with tomatoes and fresh greens, topping whole-wheat pasta with steamed seasonal vegetables, and slicing fruit into your morning cup of yogurt or bowl of cereal. Your food calories will leave you more satisfied as well as help you maintain a healthy weight.



Monday, 18 May 2020

Best Back Exercise For Boys

Back Extension

Lock your legs into a back extension bench and allow your torso to bend forward so that your hips are bent almost 90 degrees. Extend your hips so that your body forms a straight line. 

Hang Clean

Start by holding the bar against your body with your hands at shoulder-width on the bar. Keeping your back in its natural curve, bend your hips and knees (as you would in a squat), lowering the bar to just above your knees. Explosively extend your hips as if jumping, while at the same time shrugging your shoulders and pulling the bar straight up in front of your torso. As the bar reaches chest level, bend your elbows and flip your wrists to catch the bar at shoulder level.
In this stance, your palms should face the ceiling, and your shoulders should be pointing forward. Make sure at this stage that your back is straight, and that the bar is at your center of gravity. Bend your hips and knees as you catch the bar to absorb the impact.


Pike-Up to Superman

Get into pushup position with your toes on the ball. Bend your hips and roll the ball toward you so your torso becomes vertical. Roll back so your body is straight again and extend your spine, then roll the ball up your legs so your body forms a straight line with arms extended overhead but hands still on the floor. You should look like Superman flying downward. That’s one rep. Pull with your lats to return to the pushup position and begin the next rep.


Friday, 15 May 2020

Best Shoulder Exercise For Boys

Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press

A barbell overhead shoulder press (aka barbell standing shoulder press) works not just your shoulders, but most of your body. That makes it a terrific core strengthener and mass builder, among other things. To start, put your feet at shoulder-width, and tighten your core as you hold a barbell at your shoulders, palms facing forward. Next, push the bar upward and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the peak. Lower steadily and carefully.

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press


A proper deltoid workout simply isn’t complete without the seated dumbbell shoulder press. In fact, some say this exercise routine is an entire deltoid regimen unto itself, targeting the anterior, lateral, and posterior deltoid muscles (with an emphasis on the middle delts). Meanwhile, lifting two separate dumbbells (as opposed to using a machine) prevents you from using one side of your body over the other, thereby retaining firmer balance and distribution. Naturally, a fair amount of coordination is required to pull this one off, especially when you increase the weights.
To perform a seated dumbbell shoulder press, sit on a low-back bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulder level, palms facing forward. Keeping your head and spine perfectly straight, lift the dumbbells overhead toward one another, stopping just short of having them touch at the top. Hold the position for a few seconds and then carefully reverse course. Repeat.

Front Raise

You can use either a weight plate or barbell for this shoulder exercise, which targets the anterior delts. No matter what you decide to use, prepare for a seriously intense workout that brings no shortage of healthy pain. For that reason, don’t max out on the weight, as it will quickly turn healthy pain into unhealthy injury.
To execute, keep your hands at hip height as you hold the weight in front of you. Your feet should be even with your shoulders and your core should be tight. Next, retract your shoulder blades and keep your arms straight as you lift the weight to shoulder level. Breathe steadily and lower the weight carefully. Repeat.


Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This wildly effective shoulder exercise targets your middle deltoids, though it also builds upon your overall physique. You can perform it in either a standing (bent-over) or seated position. Start with a dumbbell in each hand, keeping your chest up, your back flat, your knees slightly bent, and your eyes focussed toward a fixed point on the floor. Now, bend over until your core is basically parallel with the ground, and hang the dumbbells directly underneath you, all while keeping your elbows in a slightly bent position. Next, raise both dumbbells up and out to your sides, forming an arc until your upper arms are even with your torso. Take a brief pause at the top before lowering the dumbbells back into starting position. Repeat.

Shoulder Shrug

  • Stand up and hold one dumbbell with each hand in front of your thighs, palms facing your body.
  • Raise the dumbbells straight up by raising your shoulders and lower them back after a short pause.
  • Keep your arms extended throughout

    Palms-In Alternated Shoulder Press

  • Stand up and hold two dumbbells, one at shoulder level and the other high with your arm extended, palms facing each other.
  • Push one dumbbell straight up until your elbow comes close to locking and lower it back down after a short pause. Alternate hands.
  • Be careful NOT to jerk your back in an effort to help you raise the dumbbells.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Best Exercise Chest For Boys

How to do it: In a plank position, place your feet together, toes on the floor, with your hands wider than your shoulder width and flat on the floor and your elbows extended. Keeping your head neutral and abs tight, lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest gently touches the ground, then push through your palms until your arms are straight once again.

Bench press

How to do it: Lie back on a flat bench. Using a medium width grip, lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position. From the starting position, breathe in and begin coming down slowly until the bar touches your middle chest. After a brief pause, push the bar back to the starting position as you breathe out to complete one rep.

Chest press

  1. Adjust the chest press bench so that you sit with knees bent slightly and your feet on the floor.
  2. Grasp the handles, and exhale as you push them away until your arms are straight out. Keep your elbows slightly bent.
  3. As you inhale, pull the bars toward you slowly and with control, without letting the weights touch down.


Inclined dumbbell flies

How to do it:  Lie on a bench to form a 30 to 45-degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip then extend your arms above your chest, bending your elbows slightly. Slowly lower the dumbbells in a wide arc motion down to your sides. Stop when your elbows reach your shoulder level and reverse the motion to complete a rep.


How to do it: Put your feet up behind you, lean forward as far as possible, and allow your elbows to flare out as you dip.


Dumbbell Pullover

How to do it: Lie on a bench with your upper back, head and neck supported and your feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your arms extended above your face. Slowly lower the dumbbell backward, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows and allowing them to come down to a point at which they align with your ears. When you’ve stretched as far as you can without bending your elbows, flex through your chest and lats to reverse direction and bring the dumbbell back overhead.

Bent forward cable crossover

  1. Begin this exercise either with your feet planted hip-width apart, or with one in front of the other as if you are walking.
  2. Grasp the pulley handles with your arms straight out and facing inward, making sure that your hands are below your shoulders and your elbows are bent a bit.
  3. Make your movements slow and controlled — no jerking — as you bring your hands together and extend your arms. For a wider arc and more resistance, move your arms down first and then in toward each other to cross one hand over the other.
  4. Bring your arms slowly back to the starting position with control. Don’t let your arms go back past the shoulders.


Pec deck

How to do it: Sit with your lower back fully in contact with the pad and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your elbows at 90 degrees and forearms flushed against the pads. Move your arms slightly forward to disengage the weight from the stack. From here, deliberately flex your pecs to bring the handles out in an arc until they meet in front of your body. Pull hard, then slowly return to the initial position. Repeat for another rep.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Best Moves for Your Biceps

Reverse Curl

Grasp the bar overhand (aka prone grip) at whatever width is comfortable. Keeping your upper arms against your sides, curl the bar.

Wide-Grip Curl


Grasp the bar with hands wider than shoulder-width—if you’re using an Olympic bar, your pinkies should be on the outside knurling. Perform curls.

Conventional Barbell Curl

You’ve certainly done this exercise before, but there are plenty of ways to shake up the set/rep scheme. Try this: Place three 5-lb plates on each side of the bar, hands at shoulder-width, and perform 20 reps. That’s one set. Then take off one plate from each side. Perform 30 reps. Unload another plate from each side and do 40 reps. Finally, remove the last set of plates, and do 50 reps with just the empty bar.

Hammer Curl

Perform as you did the conventional dumbbell curl but keep your palms facing your sides throughout (aka neutral grip). 

Cheat Curl

Choose the heaviest dumbbells you think you can curl, and perform as you did the conventional dumbbell curl, but use momentum from your hips to power through the sticking point (halfway up, when the weights are most difficult to lift). Do not lean back as you lift, but get into a rhythm where you rock your torso forward and then extend your hips to complete each rep. Stop each set one rep shy of total failure. 

Band Curl

Anchor a band under your feet, holding each end with both hands at your sides. Resist your elbows moving forward as you perform curls as fast as you can. Keep your body still. 

Behind-the-Back Cable Curl

Attach a D-handle to the low pulley of a cable machine, grasp the handle in your left hand, and step forward (away from the machine) until there’s tension on the cable and your arm is drawn slightly behind your body. Stagger your feet so your right leg is in front. Curl the handle but don’t allow your elbow to point forward. Alternate sides.